Attester Fixed
If you cannot prove who you are and where you live with the documents listed above, a registered voter from your precinct may attest for you. Both you and the attester will be required to sign an oath swearing the statements being made are true.
Removing a key via the Attester is even more straightforward than uploading it. Browse to and click Dismiss Your Public Key, or just go directly to this section. You should see this page:
The process of replacing a key is similar to removing it. You go to and click Update or Replace Your Public Key. It will redirect you to a page that looks like this:
Alle dokumenter skal lastes opp som pdf-filer, enten enkeltvis eller samlet i én fil. Ved sistnevnte går gjennomgangen av dokumentene raskere hvis type dokumenter sorteres. For eksempel at alle tjenesteattester legges etter hverandre, så alle kursbevisene og så prosedyrelisten.
The endorsement is a secure statement that the attester can use to signthe evidence. For example in the TPM2 context endorsement will be theattestation private key. It confirms the integrity of a public key, which isused to verify the signature of the Evidence.
The attestation process is initiated by the verifier. It sends the remoteattestation request to the attester. The request includes a handle, a list ofauthentication secrets IDs, and claim selection. The handle is composed ofstrongly randomly generated data (nonce), which guarantees Evidence freshness.Authentication Secrets IDs specify the target environment, which must providethe evidence. Claim selection tells the attester which claims should beincluded in the evidence.
In the next step, the attester collects the selected claims and on this base, itgenerates the evidence. The attester sends to the verifier the message, whichconsists of the evidence and the event log. The verifier appraises the evidenceand it creates the attestation result, which should be passed to the RelyingParty.
The Fraunhofer SIT provides the proof-of-concept implementationfor CHARRA. The Verifier and the attester are two separate instancesthat provide functionalities that were described above. Theproof-of-concept implementation assumes that the verifier and the attesterare running in the same docker container. Though we cannot say that is the remoteattestation. The verifier and attester are using the TPM Simulator instead ofa physical one.
As I mentioned before the proof of concept (PoC) implementation of the CHARRAuses the docker container to provide and appraise evidence. Attestationdata is obtained via a TPM Quote function. It provides the quote and signaturefor the given list of PCRs. In the PoC case, the attester and verifier generateseparates keys. In that case verification of TPM quote and signature willwork only when the keys are generated by the same TPM device. Otherwise,the evidence verification will fail due to a mismatch of the attestationidentity key. To separate the instances we need to verify the signature andattestation data with the attestation public key.
In the PoC implementation, there is no endorser and key registration system.Every time the verifier sends the attestation request, the attester isgenerating the new attestation key based on the nonce. We need to obtain andsend to the verifier TPM public key that is used to generate the TPM quote.TPM API (Esys) during the key creation allows obtaining the public and privatepart of the attestation key. We added to the charra_key_mgr the additionalparameter that conveys the public key to the attester.
The communication between attester and verifier is provided by libcoap library.It is the C implementation of the Constrained Application Protocol.Currently, the communication between the attester and verifier is constrained bya maximum transmission unit (1500 bytes). The block-wise transmission is in thedevelopment plans. Though we need to fit the public key with the TPM signaturequote and attestation data in the single transmission package. The followingsnippet adds the attester public key to the attester response.
To proof the following concept we used theASRock 4x4 Box R1000Vwith physical TPM as the attester and the PC with TPM simulator as the verifier.Note that you need dTPM. Unfortunately, fTPM included in newer AMD CPUs is notgood enough. The following logs and videos show the attestation process.
In the beginning, the attester is starting up. Then it initializes the CoAPcommunication and waits for the attestation request. When the attester receivesthe request, it creates the TPM attestation key and collects selected PCRs.With this data, the attester provides the TPM Quote and signature for a givenlist of PRCs. In the next step, the attester creates the response, whichincludes attestation data, signature, and the public part of the attestationkey. The message is marshaled into a single package, and the attester sends itto the verifier.
The verifier initializes the CoAP communication and sends the attestationrequest to the attester. Then it waits for the attestation response.When the verifier receives the message, it loads the external public key.The verifier uses the external key handler to appraise the TPM Quote signature.If there is no error during the verification process, it shows the message thatattestation is successful.
Right now the verifier checks if the TPM Quote signature created by the attesteris valid. In the future, we will add the policies that will verify if 17th and18th PCR in the SHA1 and SHA256 banks are compliant with reference values.
The verifier should be able to start the attestation process, when device wantsto be attested as soon as it starts. This is particularly useful for a largenumber of devices. It is easier to use a single known attestation server IPthan multiple attesters addressees.
Registreringsattester, udslettelsesattester, ikke-registreringsattester og udskrifter af digitale/digitaliserede pantedokumenter udstedes digitalt, kan verificeres digitalt på Søfartsstyrelsens hjemmeside og du kan selv ordne apostillering digitalt på Udenrigsministeriets hjemmeside, hvis du har behov for det.
During the attestation, the question of whether one works at multiple sites is asked on the Provider Questions screen. If an EP worked at multiple sites during the EHR reporting period, the time during which MU was performed, the attester must list the addresses of all the sites at which the EP worked, excluding Place of Service 21 and 23 sites. (POS 21 and POS 23 locations are used to determine if the EP is hospital-based.) If the EP worked full-time at one site and only part-time at another, the attester must list both sites. If two different physical locations were part of the same organization, the attester must list them as separate sites.
During the attestation, the patient encounters question is at the beginning of the Meaningful Use Questions screen. For each of the multiple site addresses pulled from the Provider Questions screen, the attester will answer if the EP used CEHRT and enter the number of patient encounters. If all the sites have certified EHR technology, and EP cannot easily determine the patient encounters by site, the attester may divide the patient encounters by the number of sites to get the number for each site.
Abstract superclass from which validator behaviours inherit.Defines and maintains environment accessor functions (is the validator an attester? proposer?)Performs caching to avoid recomputing expensive operations.
In general, you are not expected to use any of the methods or attributes defined here, _except_for, which exposes current simulation environment properties, up-to-date withrespect to the validator (e.g., proposer and attester duties). 041b061a72