5 : Karen Bee, Part 5 ((HOT))
I loved how Tsukihi pivots from protecting Karen to protecting herself once Koyomi begins to show some anger. That part made me laugh. And then her quip at the end also made me laugh. Koyomi definitely does act condescending towards his little sisters, and I feel like that little quip points it out pretty well.
5 : Karen Bee, Part 5
ScientificBeekeeping is a not-for-profit enterprise, and I'm happy to receive notes of thanks for how information on this site has contributed to my readers' success at beekeeping (and sometimes saved them hundreds or thousands of dollars). It is your support that allows me to devote my life to this site. All donations go towards website maintenance, bee research costs (typically tens of thousands of dollars per year), re-donations to fund research by others, and a small amount to partially offset the huge number of hours that I spend in research and writing. I guarantee that every penny is pinched and well spent!
Specific terms are used to describe the overall patterns of death or discoloration in turf, independent of what the symptoms may be on individual leaves, stolons, and other parts. These are known as stand symptoms. Several of the most important are illustrated below. All photos are courtesy NC State University.
Examples of common fungal foliar diseases are black spot of rose, powdery mildew, downy mildew, brown patch, and oak leaf blister. Botryosphaeria and Phomopsis species are fungi that commonly cause cankers in woody plant parts. More serious canker diseases include chestnut blight and thousand cankers disease of walnut. Pythium, Phytophthora, and Armillaria species are important causes of root rots. Dutch elm disease and fusarium wilt, already mentioned above, are caused by fungi, as are verticillium wilt, laurel wilt, and oak wilt. Abnormal growth incited by fungi can include twisting and curling of leaves, stunting, or galling, as in the case of black knot or cedar apple rust.
Some fungi, such as Rhizoctonia solani, spread mainly by the growth of hyphae. But most fungi reproduce via spores. Spores are formed either directly on specialized hyphae or within a fruiting body of some kind. Spore shapes and spore-bearing structures are unique to particular species and can be used to identify fungi under a microscope. Fungal spores almost always require free (liquid) water for a period of time before they can germinate. If foliage stays wet for a certain number of hours at a sufficiently warm temperature, spores of fungal pathogens will germinate, forming hyphae that grow into the plant. Spores that land on dry plant tissue may lie there for several days until moisture becomes available. Depending on the particular fungus, entry into plants can be directly through the cuticle, through stomata, or via pruning cuts, leaf scars, or other wounds.
Two important kinds of nematodes do not fit the general pattern described. Foliar nematodes directly enter leaf tissue, where they cause yellowing and then necrosis. As with bacterial leaf spots, these affected areas tend to be limited by the veins in the leaf and so are angular (as for example in butterfly bush) or linear (as in the case of hosta). Foliar nematodes are particularly a problem in greenhouses and nurseries. The pine wilt nematode is destructive to nonnative trees in the pine family. The pine wilt nematode lives within the wood of the trees and is transmitted by a type of longhorn beetle. In North Carolina, the greatest problem with pine wilt nematode is on Japanese black pine along the coast.
Fruit and nut trees in the home orchard present particular challenges for diagnosis. Anything beyond the easily recognized diseases on this list should be referred to an experienced Extension Horticulture Agent or to the NC State Extension Plant Disease and Insect Clinic.
A plant can wilt (droop) during all or part of the day. This is often accompanied by a loss of luster in the green color. When wilting occurs within individual leaves, you may see large tan-colored dead areas between the veins, sometimes extending to entire leaves.
Although homeowners and growers are sometimes simply curious to know the cause of a particular disease, most are interested in controlling it. Often no acceptable measures are available that will halt the disease, and the affected plant or plants must be removed. Sometimes the only thing that can be done is to redouble preventive efforts for the next growing season. In other cases the affected plant will recover by putting out new roots and leaves with or without the application of management measures. Diagnosis of the disease is very important in deciding whether the problem is serious and what measures, if any, will be helpful and cost-effective. The choice of management measures is influenced by where the pathogen overwinters, how it spreads, its host range, and how the conditions favor infection. See the previous sections on Disease Development and Spread and Survival of Pathogens.
In some cases, prompt removal of diseased plants or plant parts can reduce the amount of a pathogen in the vicinity. For example, the removal of diseased tomato leaves can slow the progress of septoria leaf spot. If a tree or shrub in a hedge planting has been diagnosed with armillaria root rot, the individuals on either side should also be removed, because they have likely been infected via fungal growth through the soil. The same strategy would be of little benefit with phytophthora root rot because the spores of Phytophthora species can move far beyond the initial infection in water runoff.
What does the healthy part of the plant look like? The stems still look good, and so do the youngest leaves. The unaffected plants on the other side of the garden are green and happy, and seem to be growing faster than these.
The event will be livestreamed with captions and recorded for later viewing on CornellCast. For staff members at Cornell AgriTech in Geneva, the livestream will be shown in Jordan Hall Auditorium. For accommodations to participate in the event, contact the Office of the Assemblies at 607-255-3715.
After playing at the club, Gene once again met actress Terri Messina. As I mentioned in part three, they have had an affair some ten years before, but now they started a more serious, but from time to time, stormy relationship.
After releasing some less successful solo albums on Columbia, Roger McGuinn had been fired by the label, but he had a new contract underway with Capitol. Even so, he also wanted Clark to join him. Eventually, Hillman also stepped on the train, when the amount of money increased. (There were no plans to engage David Crosby or Michael Clarke, however, partly because they were tied up with their regular groups Crosby, Stills & Nash and Firefall.)
Despite the controversies, they travelled to Miami in November to record an album at Criteria Studios. There were other complications, apart from the fact that the trio often quarreled with each other and lived in different parts of the rented house. Miami at that time was the capital of cocaine trafficking, and this made matters worse for Gene and Terri.
Firebyrd would be the last record in his own name. During the remaining seven years of his life, Gene Clark recorded almost 50 compositions, which have appeared in various ways posthumously. (There are most likely a lot of additional home recordings that have disappeared along the way.) Only five of his compositions saw the light of day while he was still alive. So you have these to look forward to in the sixth and final part!
During bloom of spring orchard crops, bees are the primary providers of pollination service. Monitoring these insects for research projects is often done by timed observations or by direct aerial netting, but there has been increasing interest in blue vane traps as an efficient passive approach to collecting bees. Over multiple spring seasons in Michigan and Pennsylvania, orchards were monitored for wild bees using timed netting from crop flowers and blue vane traps. This revealed a distinctly different community of wild bees captured using the two methods, suggesting that blue vane traps can complement but cannot replace direct aerial netting. The bee community in blue vane traps was generally composed of nonpollinating species, which can be of interest for broader biodiversity studies. In particular, blue vane traps caught Eucera atriventris (Smith), Eucera hamata (Bradley), Bombus fervidus (F.), and Agapostemon virescens (F.) that were never collected from the orchard crop flowers during the study period. Captures of bee species in nets was generally stable across the 3 yr, whereas we observed significant declines in the abundance of Lasioglossum pilosum (Smith) and Eucera spp. trapped using blue vane traps during the project, suggesting local overtrapping of reproductive individuals. We conclude that blue vane traps are a useful tool for expanding insights into bee communities within orchard crop systems, but they should be used with great caution to avoid local extirpation of these important insects.
Killer Queen is unusual among humanoid Stands with complete faces in that its facial expression almost never reflects that of its user, and is instead nearly permanently locked in a wide-eyed, neutral position. Exceptions to its otherwise stoic demeanor include it scowling at Jotaro as Kira realizes he had survived Sheer Heart Attack's explosion,[7] and freezing in terror, mouth agape, as it is torn apart by the hands of Ghost Girl's Alley.[8] 041b061a72