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Lisrel 91 Download Full 531: A Guide for Structural Equation Modeling
Structural equation modeling (SEM) is a powerful statistical technique that allows researchers to test complex hypotheses involving multiple variables. SEM can be used to examine causal relationships, latent constructs, mediation and moderation effects, measurement errors, and more. However, SEM also requires a high level of statistical sophistication and a suitable software package to perform the analysis.
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One of the most popular software packages for SEM is Lisrel, which stands for linear structural relations. Lisrel was developed in the 1970s by Karl Jöreskog and Dag Sörbom, who are considered pioneers in the field of SEM. Lisrel has many features that make it a versatile and comprehensive tool for SEM, such as data manipulation, model specification, estimation, evaluation, modification, presentation, and reporting.
In this article, we will guide you through the process of downloading and installing Lisrel 91, which is one of the latest versions of the software. We will also show you how to use Lisrel 91 for performing basic SEM analysis. Finally, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using Lisrel 91, as well as some alternatives that you can consider.
What is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)?
Structural equation modeling (SEM) is a general term that refers to a family of statistical methods that can be used to analyze complex relationships among observed and unobserved variables. Observed variables are those that can be directly measured or observed, such as test scores, income, or age. Unobserved variables are those that cannot be directly measured or observed, but are inferred from other variables, such as intelligence, motivation, or satisfaction.
SEM allows researchers to test hypotheses about how observed and unobserved variables are related to each other in a theoretical model. For example, a researcher might want to test whether intelligence affects academic performance directly or indirectly through motivation. In this case, intelligence and academic performance are observed variables, while motivation is an unobserved variable. The researcher can use SEM to estimate the parameters of the model, such as the coefficients, variances, covariances, and errors of the variables.
SEM can also be used to test the validity and reliability of measurement instruments, such as surveys or tests. For example, a researcher might want to test whether a survey measures a single construct (such as satisfaction) or multiple constructs (such as satisfaction with different aspects of a service). In this case, the survey items are observed variables, while the constructs are unobserved variables. The researcher can use SEM to assess how well the items reflect the constructs, and how well the constructs fit together in a measurement model.
There are many types of SEM models that can be used for different purposes and situations. Some of the most common types are:
Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA): A type of SEM that tests how well a set of observed variables measure one or more unobserved variables (factors).
Path analysis: A type of SEM that tests how well a set of observed variables are causally related to each other in a path diagram.
Structural regression model (SRM): A type of SEM that combines CFA and path analysis by testing how well a set of observed and unobserved variables are related to each other in a structural model.
Multilevel model (MLM): A type of SEM that accounts for the hierarchical structure of data by testing how well variables at different levels (such as individuals within groups) are related to each other in a multilevel model.
Generalized linear model (GLM): A type of SEM that extends the linear model by allowing for non-normal distributions of outcome variables (such as categorical or count data) in a generalized linear model.
What is Lisrel?
Lisrel is a proprietary statistical software package that was developed by Karl Jöreskog and Dag Sörbom in the 1970s. The name Lisrel stands for linear structural relations, which reflects the original purpose of the software: to estimate linear structural equation models.
Lisrel was one of the first software packages that could perform SEM analysis using maximum likelihood estimation. It also introduced many innovations in SEM methodology, such as latent variable models, multiple group models, nonlinear models, missing data handling, bootstrap methods, multilevel models, and generalized linear models.
Lisrel has evolved over time to include more features and functions for SEM analysis. The most current version is Lisrel 11 , which includes several applications:
Lisrel: The main application for standard and multilevel structural equation modeling.
Prelis: An application for data manipulation, transformation, generation, imputation, regression, and exploratory factor analysis.
Multilev: An application for multilevel linear and nonlinear modeling.
Surveyglim: An application for generalized linear modeling with complex survey data.
Mglim: An application for generalized linear modeling with multilevel data.
How to download and install Lisrel 91?
To download and install Lisrel 91 on your computer, you need to follow these steps:
Go to and click on "Download LISREL".
Select your operating system (Windows or Mac) and click on "Download".
You will be asked to fill out a form with your name, email address, institution, and country. After submitting the form, you will receive an email with a link to download the installation file.
Click on the link and save the installation file on your computer.
Run the installation file and follow the instructions on the screen. You will need to accept the license agreement, choose a destination folder, and enter a serial number. The serial number will be provided in the email that you received after filling out the form.
After the installation is complete, you can launch Lisrel 91 from your desktop or start menu.
How to use Lisrel 91 for SEM?
To use Lisrel 91 for performing basic SEM analysis, you need to follow these steps:
Data preparation and manipulation with Prelis
The first step in any SEM analysis is to prepare your data for analysis. You can use Prelis, which is an application included in Lisrel 91, to perform various tasks such as:
Reading data from different sources and formats, such as text files, Excel files, databases, or web pages.
Transforming data into a suitable format for Lisrel analysis, such as creating a matrix of covariances or correlations among the variables.
Generating new variables from existing ones, such as computing means, sums, differences, ratios, or logarithms.
Imputing missing values by matching or multiple imputation methods.
Performing basic statistical analysis, such as multiple linear regression, logistic regression, censored regression, or exploratory factor analysis.
To use Prelis for data preparation and manipulation, you need to follow these steps:
Launch Prelis from your desktop or start menu.
Select "File" and then "Open" to open a data file. You can choose from different file types, such as .dat (text file), .xls (Excel file), .mdb (Access database), or .html (web page).
Select "Data" and then "Read Data" to read the data into Prelis. You can specify the number of variables, cases, and labels in your data file.
Select "Data" and then "Transform Data" to transform your data into a suitable format for Lisrel analysis. You can choose from different options, such as "Create Covariance Matrix", "Create Correlation Matrix", "Create Sum of Squares and Cross Products Matrix", or "Create Raw Data Matrix".
Select "Data" and then "Generate Data" to generate new variables from existing ones. You can use different functions and operators to create new variables, such as +, -, *, /, ^, log, exp, sin, cos, tan, etc.
Select "Data" and then "Impute Data" to impute missing values by matching or multiple imputation methods. You can choose from different options, such as "Impute by Matching", "Impute by Multiple Imputation", or "Impute by Regression".
Select "Analysis" and then choose a statistical analysis to perform on your data. You can choose from different options, such as "Multiple Linear Regression", "Logistic Regression", "Censored Regression", or "Exploratory Factor Analysis".
Select "File" and then "Save As" to save your data file in a format that can be used by Lisrel. You can choose from different file types, such as .psf (Prelis System File), .cov (Covariance Matrix File), .cor (Correlation Matrix File), .ssp (Sum of Squares and Cross Products File), or .raw (Raw Data File).
Model specification and estimation with Lisrel
The next step in SEM analysis is to specify and estimate your model using Lisrel. A model is a set of equations that describe how the observed and unobserved variables are related to each other. To specify a model in Lisrel, you need to define the following components:
Symbols: The names of the observed and unobserved variables in your model.
Matrices: The matrices that contain the parameters of your model, such as coefficients, variances, covariances, and errors.
Equations: The equations that link the matrices together and represent the structural and measurement relationships among the variables.
To estimate a model in Lisrel, you need to choose an estimation method that will compute the values of the parameters that best fit your data. There are different estimation methods available in Lisrel, such as:
Maximum likelihood (ML): A method that maximizes the likelihood function of the model given the data.
Generalized least squares (GLS): A method that minimizes the weighted sum of squared residuals between the observed and predicted matrices.
Weighted least squares (WLS): A method that minimizes the sum of squared residuals between the observed and predicted matrices, weighted by the inverse of the asymptotic covariance matrix of the sample moments.
Unweighted least squares (ULS): A method that minimizes the sum of squared residuals between the observed and predicted matrices, without any weighting.
To use Lisrel for model specification and estimation, you need to follow these steps:
Launch Lisrel from your desktop or start menu.
Select "File" and then "Open" to open a data file that you have prepared with Prelis. You can choose from different file types, such as .psf (Prelis System File), .cov (Covariance Matrix File), .cor (Correlation Matrix File), .ssp (Sum of Squares and Cross Products File), or .raw (Raw Data File).
Select "Model" and then "Specify Model" to specify your model using symbols, matrices, and equations. You can use the graphical user interface (GUI) or the syntax editor to specify your model. The GUI allows you to draw your model using icons, lines, and labels. The syntax editor allows you to write your model using commands, operators, and functions.
Select "Model" and then "Estimate Model" to estimate your model using an estimation method. You can choose from different options, such as ML, GLS, WLS, or ULS. You can also specify other options, such as iterations, convergence criteria, standard errors, or confidence intervals.
Model evaluation and modification with Lisrel
The next step in SEM analysis is to evaluate and modify your model using Lisrel. Evaluation is the process of assessing how well your model fits your data. Modification is the process of improving your model fit by adding or deleting parameters or variables. To evaluate and modify your model in Lisrel, you need to use the following tools: